Business Lending

Business Loans

Community Futures provides loans to new and existing businesses within the North Cariboo region. 

Your business loan:

  • will have repayment schedules specifically tailored to address your needs

  • may have interest rates starting as low as prime + 2%

  • can be paid out early, penalty-free

Call 250-992-2322 to book your free, confidential, no obligation appointment with Siggi Stoldt our Loans Manager today!



4-H Loans

Community Futures supports members of the 4-H Program by lending funds for the purchase of marketing livestock - beef, swine, sheep, goats, and horses or other projects approved by the 4-H Organization.

The 4-H Loan Program:

  • allows members in good standing with a 4-H club in the North Cariboo Region to apply for a maximum loan of $2,000.00.
  • application form is simple and quick,
  • does not require an application fee.
  • provides an interest-free loan until October 15th of every year.

For more information and to apply for a 4-H Loan, please talk to your club leader or call the Community Futures North Cariboo Office at 250-992-2322.




Siggi Stoldt

Siggi will meet with you one on one for Business Lending, Coaching and Financial Literacy.

As a business coach, Siggi will help you discover your most promising line of attack to reach your business goals. Are you ready to grow (or start) your business, stay competitive and adapt to changing times?

Book your free, confidential appointment today!

Siggi can assist you with:

  • Business Loans and 4-H Loans
  • Business planning and management
  • Succession planning / selling
  • Buying a business
  • Financial analysis
  • Digital Marketing 
  • Marketing planning and strategies
  • Human resources
  • Testing the viability of a business idea
    ... and so much more!

or call the office at 250-992-2322 to book


Government of Canada
Pacific Economic Diversification Canada
Societe de developpement economique
Pour obtenir le service en français appeler 1-877-732-3534
Community Futures North Cariboo
Growing communities one idea at a time

335A Vaughan Street
Quesnel BC V2J 2T1
Created By Erica Lahoda Web Girl
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